Brexit 293 AD: Metal Detectorist Strikes Gold with 100k Valued Coin Depicting Rebel Roman Architect of Britain’s Empire Exit!

An amateur metal detectorist scouring the grounds of a field in Kent has discovered a perfectly preserved  gold coin dating back almost 2,000 years.

It is emblazoned with the face of Emperor Allectu who is being touted as the first Brexiteer after he took Britain out of the Roman Empire during his reign around 293AD.

The 24 carat gold coin, known as an Aureus, is expected to sell for £100,000 ($130,000)

An anonymous hobbyist found the coin in a newly-ploughed field near an ancient Roman road in Dover, Kent.

The 30-year-old finder initially thought the coin was fake due to its condition until it weighed in at a hefty 4.31 grams – confirming its provenance.

The well-preserved coin is emblazoned with the face of Emperor Allectus, who is being touted as the first Brexiteer after he took Britain out of the Roman Empire during his reign around 293AD

The 24 carat gold coin, known as an Aureus, is expected to sell for £100,000 when it goes to auction later this year. An anonymous hobbyist found the coin in a newly-ploughed field near an ancient Roman road in Dover, Kent

There is just one other known matching example in in the world which resides in the British Museum.

As as result of its combination of rarity and preservation it is tipped to sell for a six-figure sum when it goes under the hammer at London auctioneers Dix Noonan Webb.

The coin, the first Allectus example to be discovered in 50 years, is roughly the size of a one penny piece.

The detectorist said: ‘This really is the find of a lifetime for me and the greatest discovery I have made by miles.

‘At first I was quite sceptical of its authenticity because it was so shiny but when I realised what it could be potentially I just completely freaked out by it.

‘It was then authenticated by the British Museum and the specialist there was just as ecstatic as me. He said it was one of the best finds he had ever seen.

An anonymous hobbyist found the coin in a newly-ploughed field near an ancient Roman road in Dover, Kent. The 30-year-old finder thought the coin was fake at first as it was in such good condition until it weighed in at a hefty 4.31 grams – confirming its provenance

There is just one other known matching example in in the world which resides in the British Museum. As as result of its combination of rarity and preservation it is tipped to sell for a six-figure sum

Allectus ruled in Britain and northern Gaul from 293 to 296AD.

He is best known for his to attempts to lead a rebel empire, effectively annexing Britain from Rome.

He has been dubbed by many as a ‘Brexiteer of his day’ and was assassinated in battle in 296AD.

The coin depicts a noble-looking Allectus on one side and on the obverse has two captives kneeling at the feet of Apollo.

The coin was found last month and can be sold at auction as under British law, the existing Treasure Act states single gold coins do not count as treasure and as such the coroner does not have to be notified.

There are controversial plans to revise the current legislation that include redefining single gold coins as treasure upon their discovery.

The coin, the first Allectus example to be discovered in 50 years, is roughly the size of a one penny piece 

The finder, who is a portrait artist, will have to split the proceeds of the sale 50/50 with the landowner but it can be sold at auction as it is not considered ‘treasure’

The finder, who is a portrait artist, will have to split the proceeds of the sale 50/50 with the landowner.

‘I’ve never found anything like it in seven years of detecting and I’m still gobsmacked now,’ the fortuitous finder added.

‘The landowner has been made aware and is obviously really excited.

‘I don’t have any plans for the money at the moment but the first thing the landowner said to me was that they would be going on holiday.

‘I actually wish I could afford to keep the coin but unfortunately it’s way out of my range.

‘The field doesn’t really have any history of Roman coinage. I’ve searched it before without finding anything but made the discovery about 45 minutes into this search.’

Nigel Mills, of a coin consultant from Dix Noonan Webb, said: ‘This is an amazing find and is one of the finest condition coins out there.

‘I’ve never seen one like it in my 40 years of work so it really is a remarkable discovery.

‘We would expect it to attract a lot of interest as it just has everything going for it.

‘The rarity is there, the condition is there and it’s made of 24 carat gold all of which make it an fantastic coin.’

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