Spinosaurus (Spined Lizard)
Spinosaurus, known as one of the most bizarre and largest carnivorous dinosaurs, has been a subject of fascination and study, revealing new insights into its life and habitat. Recent discoveries have unearthed that not only was Spinosaurus larger than the mighty T. rex, but it was also the first dinosaur known to dwell in water, adapting to an aquatic lifestyle unlike any other known large dinosaur.
With fossils found in North Africa, this formidable predator of the Cretaceous period boasted unique features such as an elongated snout resembling a crocodile’s, dense bones, and a distinctive sail on its back. Its tail, newly discovered to be paddle-like, suggests it was well-suited for swimming, propelling it through the vast river systems it inhabited. These adaptations, along with its straight, sharp teeth, high-placed nostrils, and webbed toes, paint a picture of a semi-aquatic giant that likely preyed upon fish and other dinosaurs, dominating its ecosystem.
Pronounced: SPINE-oh-SORE-us
Name Means: “Spined Lizard”Length: 14–18 metres (46–59 feet)Weight: 12,000–20,000 kg (13–22 tons)Diet: Carnivore (Meat)Time: Cretaceous Period.Habitat: Coastal RiversFossils Found: Africa